Sunday, October 26, 2008

Purple Eyeliner and Red Eyes

On occasion I wake in the night to red and crusty eyes, feeling like acid was poured into them. It only took me about a year to realize it was my old purple eyeliner that did it. So I threw it out, quite pleased I had finally solved the problem.

Yesterday I bought a new one - fresh and unpolluted - because after all purple eyeliner is so cool.

Guess what I woke up to today?

What is in purple eyeliner that does this to me??

You mean I'll NEVER be able to wear purple eyeliner ever again in my whole life???

Saturday, October 25, 2008


What is it? asks Sandy. State of mind, state of place. I think she thought that was clever.

Today is my birthday. I am on pilgrimage to Sandy's and I'm trying to show Sandy and KTK how to blog. The problem is, blogging is just so silly, and Sandy is comotose in the corner. KTK keeps trying to tell me what to write, and the laptop has heated up on my lap.

We actually swam in the pool earlier (a bitter cold 80 degrees), and it remains to be seen if Sandy will allow us a second shower before dinner. It's a fondue party, followed by cards.

We continue to sip our nameless cocktails.

Gin vs Vodka

It was cocktail time. KTK went to make the drinks (I did make breakfast after all). By the time she got back with the icey glasses she couldn't remember which had gin and which had vodka in it. Three of us have tasted both. We're still not sure.

